4195 Manchester Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63110
8,203 SF Total
6,633 SF 1st Fl Bar/Retail
1,570 SF 2nd Fl Office/Apt
Located in STL's Premier Entertainment District
Multiple Entrances & Visibility on Manchester
Includes: Bar, Stage, Walk-In, Heavy Electric, Offices, 2nd Fl Kitchen
Can Be Combined or Separate
For Lease: $14.50-$16.00/SF NNN
For Lease
Office, Retail, Restaurant


3001 Locust Street
Duffe Nuernberger Realty/Tower Real Estate Group assisted client/buyer in identification and successful negotiation of the purchase of the property.

1500 Park Avenue
A.T. Still University was looking for a site to build an 80,000 square foot Dental school and clinic for their 3rd and 4th year students.